Happy Birthday My Friend!

12 05 2011

What I do in Drama

15 03 2011

Today, I played a couch in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.” Can I put that on my résumé?

Still Alive

22 02 2011

No, not the end song to Portal, but a phrase that has kept me going through some of the roughest times in my life.

A while back, I was going through a rough time, with sick family members, a social life that could only be described as cruel, and a variety of other suck. Being me, I put on my quiet mask to the public, but my depressed, angsty teen face to the few people who would listen. I buried myself in my video games to take my mind off of things and put in “Mirrors Edge,” a favourite of mine. But this time I played it, it was different, this time I listened intently to the theme. I quickly turned off my PlayStation and rushed to download it.

What was the song? Lisa Miskovsky’s “Still Alive.” I put it on repeat and fell asleep to it, waking up with my headphones beside me, silently playing the music as the sun drifted through my windows. The funny part? I felt better about things, and I didn’t feel like things were against me.

The difference, I realized that no matter what happened, I was Still Alive, and that was the best feeling I had in awhile. The realization that no matter what happened, I would always be here to fight through it, and help others fight through their independent ordeals.

I figured out that if people were treating me poorly, so what? I’m still here, and I’m going to live the way I want, no matter what gets in my way, I can’t apologize for living, I can only be in thanks of what I have.

Even in the death of someone close, friend or family, it’s important to remember to celebrate the life they lived, instead of dwelling on it, stalling your own life. Keep a memory of them close in your heart, and incorporate it into your own life, it will feel good to be happy in a time of distress.

After too many years of just suck and sad, being happy feels good, and the optimist in me is gleaming with respect for myself and those around me who can pick themselves out of the gutter and just put a smile on their face.

Remember, no matter what, you’re still alive, you can live life as you want if you try, and that is something that you should never have to apologize for.

– Aaron Alexander Demeter

Back on Track… Kind of!

17 02 2011

Well, things are all back in order at home, and that can only mean one thing. My Second Life online will now be restarting again. I am back to editing videos, writing scripts, and writing on this blog, updating all you lovely people on what’s happening in my life!

So what have I been up to lately?

…I played alot of TF2… damn procrastination.


27 01 2011

I will be taking a break from posting on this blog. I am currently going through problems with my computer and have an extremely sick family member. I shall resume once I am back on track with my life and things are over with my family.

-Aaron Alexander Demeter

Sometimes Great Losses Lead to Great Gains

8 01 2011

Let’s think back to January 2010, as I go back to make a new reflection out to the internet.

After making the decision to change myself for the better, I decided to deal with the most obvious thing, my… fluffiness and excess of fluff. At the time I was weighing in at a slim 220 lbs. at the height of 5’9, as you could tell I was an adorable lil’ child!

So I decided to continue my closet-nerdness and watch a movie every night whilst biking/rowing. I’m not going to stretch this out, so in the end, I lost most of my fluffiness, keeping enough to stay insulated in the cold winters of the Great White North! I ended up weighing in at 160 lbs. at 5’10. I went from being fluffy and unlikeable to being a lil’ chubby and… likeable-depending-on-situation (explanation to come).

This is when the summer rolled by and I got out of my Junior High, I could breathe a heavy sigh of relief knowing I was leaving my colleagues and starting a new life at a new school. That’s when I gained one of the best things that could’ve come to me.

The power of SELF RESPECT!

When I started going on my journey to find myself, I started realizing how important self-respect was to a persons life. I used to go around hating myself for who I was, and how I looked, because I wasn’t told to think any way else!

I started coming out as who I was, starting to show my performing arts side, signing up for dance and switching to a performing arts school, and becoming more comfortable with the nerd culture that secretly surrounded my life.

When I look back at this, I realize how important that respect for myself was, and how important it was to find out who I truly am, and feel glad that I went through a few shitty years of schooling, because it gave me the chance to truly find myself.

Without knowing who you are, what you are truly living is, for lack of a better word, a lie. Yeah, sure I was risking being shunned and mocked for who I was, but in the end, it left me happier than I ever could have been. I stopped changing myself for others, and just became liked for who I was.

So here’s to finding who you are!
*raises glass of green tea*

-Aaron Alexander Demeter

Sith Corleone? Don Vader? Whatever it is, it’s AWESOME!

5 01 2011

So there I was, sitting in front of my computer around midnight as-per-usual, when it suddenly hit me: “What if Darth Friggin’ Vader was The Godfather?”

My mind went blank on how crazy and amazing that would be; two of my favourite films, crossing-over in an epic movie of epicness!

Out of this idea soon came a need to do something nerdy about it, so I whipped open Photoshop and got to work.

Not too long after, this lovechild of mine spawned:

I hope you like it,

-Aaron Alexander Demeter


4 01 2011

So I decided that after a couple months, I should probably film something and put it up. I ALSO decided that I should change to a style that more suited my likings, dark, offensive and as awkward as always!

I hope you guys enjoy!

-Aaron Alexander Demeter

The Greatest Love Letter Ever Written

3 01 2011

As I was lurking the deep corners of the interwebs to find a new way to creep out a fellow friend of mine on facebook, I stumbled upon a short film by the name of, “the greatest love letter ever written,” on Vimeo (link below), a site which (to me) is very underrated through the public eye.

The film focused around the main characters quest to tell the woman he loved how he truly felt about her (at the advice of his roommate). As he approaches her with a letter he wrote expressing his feelings, he realizes that  this may destroy a friendship, and the realization of how the world works hits him hard.

I think this truly shows a great view on how the world works compared to perception of said world. When opening up to someone can lead to losing a friend, and possibly being shunned, you know that people aren’t as nice and mature as you want to think.

Yes, I realize that when I say this, it makes me look like a bitter prick since I’ve always been single and this is an all-to-familiar situation for me, but it is the truth. For those people not lucky enough for things to work out, you have two options, the one expressed in the film, and the friend-zone (don’t get me started). BUT I also realize that at only 15 years of age, this is not a priority, since our bodies are changing, and to hold something, you need to know who you are as a person, and keep a mature outlook on things. At the same time, ignoring things won’t help any situation. (future post topic? I think so!)

Signing off with hopes I spread this film around,

-Aaron Alexander Demeter

the greatest love letter ever written

Reflections of a Fluffy Winter

1 01 2011

As we enter a new year, we get the usual week or so where people go on a little nostalgia trip and reflect on the past year. Now, I’m not usually the one to go on this little mental trip, but I realized once the clock struck midnight how much had happened over the past year, and decided that I should at least try to express this for once. Thus, the blog you are looking at was born, to reflect on my life to the masses and fill up space in between the months I don’t put up YouTube videos on my channel.

My reflections start in January of 2010. The winter wind was as cold as ever, but after living in Canada for long enough, I guess you just kinda get used to it. Currently residing in a cupboard under the stairs, my mean aunt and uncle had been withholding letters from a magical school from me… I guess I truly can’t bullshit anyone can I? In truth, I lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I was still attending a local junior high school, which I had a strong grudge against; needless to say it had not been the most enjoyable (what was soon to be) three years of my life.

I was busy lumbering through the halls with my 5’8, 230 lbs. body (not fat, just fluffy!), milling about my usual social group (approximately 3 people) while my hormones were busy making me think my life sucked. Now, as much as I made things seem worse then they were, I never was very respected around the halls. Whether it be the blatant ignorance, the pokes at my sexuality, or the comments on my size, the evidence was showing that I wasn’t very popular.

I like to live in an optimistic, romanticized world (hopelessly romantic one may say), where people are nice and things work out in a fairy tale ending. At the same time, I do realize that the world does not work like that, and to think like that, I must have a counteractive view of reality to keep me in line. Sometimes, they become unbalanced and end up just making my emotions a play-toy for fate to bat around like a cat with a ball of yarn. The reality side of my thinking was getting a good amount space of the cramped apartment I call my brain this winter.

So, knowing this, I went through the usual immature teenage-angst stage for a little while, hiding it from my family and some friends, but piling it onto others that really could care less. Slowly and slowly, I started to realize that the only way that I could fix any of these things that I was complaining about was to find a new mind-set, one that balances my optimistic side and my realistic outlook on the world.

The next months were spent trying to change myself, both physically and mentally. That story is for another post, because as I sit in front of my glowing computer screen at one in the morning, I slowly realize that I should get some sleep before having to wake up again in six hours.

Until the next time I post, I wish you all a good… morning.

-Aaron Alexander Demeter